Tatra Mountains, Poland

Today, we drove through the Tatra Mountains of Poland to Slovakia to Hungary. The drive was beautiful, even though it was overcast and occasionally raining.  Photo: Poland.

Tatra Mountains, Poland
Slovakia (See Slide Show: Poland, Slovakia, Hungary)
The Koliba Goral
The Koliba Goral
The Koliba Goral
Danube Night Cruise, Budapest (See Movies)

Tatra Mountains, Poland

Today, we drove through the Tatra Mountains of Poland to Slovakia to Hungary. The drive was beautiful, even though it was overcast and occasionally raining.  Photo: Poland.

Slovakia (See Slide Show: Poland, Slovakia, Hungary)

Slovakia was just as beautiful as the section of Poland we traveled through. In 1989, Czechoslovakia peacefully threw off its communist yoke in what has been called the Velvet Revolution. On January 1, 1993, the Czech and Slovak Republics split, which has been called the Velvet Divorce.

I have put this day’s Poland, Slovakia, and Hungary photos on a slide show. Go to Slide Shows; Central/Eastern Europe–1; Poland, Slovakia, Hungary.



We ate lunch at Donovaly,  Slovakia,  a ski resort, at this restaurant: the Koliba Goral. Slovakia has its own currency, the Slovak koruna, but we were able to pay for our lunch in euros.

The Koliba Goral

The Koliba Goral had an extremely interesting menu which included garlic soup of the “miserable” with a toast; smoked knee; and deer meat goulash with cranberries and cream. It also had Tex–Mex dishes and other international ones. I had a chicken and swiss roll stuffed with blue cheese and English vegetables––delicious. Photo: My lunch. So much served that I couldn’t finish it.

The Koliba Goral

Indicating the men’s room.

The Koliba Goral

Indicating the women’s room.


We are now in Hungary on our way to Budapest.


We have arrived in Budapest. Zsofia, our tour guide, is very happy to be back in Budapest, which is her home.

Danube Night Cruise, Budapest (See Movies)

We had an optional cruise tonight on the Danube. I have put four movies of our cruise on this website: Go to Movies; Central/Eastern Europe Movies.